February 3, 2022

Overview of February 3, 2022

This edition of Conference Conversations followed the official close of the Conference on the Future of Europe on 9 May and the presentation of the final report to the presidents of the three main EU institutions. We brought together two key players to take stock of the Conference and discuss ...
In this EPC Round-Up, experts and EPC analysts assess the outcomes of the Conference in their specific policy areas and explain how the EU could turn the citizens’ recommendations into concrete policy actions.
On the morning of the final Conference Plenary, we held the eleventh edition of our Conference Conversations series. As the Conference wraps up and prepares its final report, our panellists reassessed where the Conference on the Future of Europe stands in light of global developments. Russia’s war of aggression against ...
The Conference on the Future of Europe is at the finishing line. What will its legacy look like? Can it be a turning point for a more democratic, more participatory European Union? This instalment of Conference Conversations assesses the Conference on the Future of Europe so far and discusses the ...
The Conference Observatory’s High-Level Advisory Group is pleased to present its first report: Conference on the Future of Europe: What worked, what now, what next?
In this special edition, we turn to the citizens themselves. Our panel of speakers is comprised of citizens ambassadors who have taken part in both the European Citizens’ Panels and the Conference Plenary sessions. How have they experienced the Conference so far? What do they think of the Conference as ...