
EU democracy reform Monitor

Through our timeline, we are tracking and monitoring developments in EU democratic reform in the post-CoFoE process, across different actors and institutions. Our aim is to foster transparency and accountability, and to promote informed public debate on the future of democracy in Europe.


July 1, 2023



January 23, 2023

CoFoE policy / politics follow up

Institutional reforms and Treaty change

Franco-German working group of experts on eu institutional reform

Who?(European) Council / member states
December 16, 2022

CoFoE policy / politics follow up

European citizens' panel on food waste (session 1)

Who?Citizens Commission
December 7, 2022

CoFoE policy / politics follow up

Letters from the citizens to the commission and the council on the implementation of conference results

June 9, 2022

Institutional reforms and Treaty change

European Parliament resolution calling for a Convention for the revision of the Treaties

May 9, 2022

CoFoE policy / politics follow up

Closing event of the conference on the future of europe

Who?Citizens Commission
May 9, 2022

CoFoE policy / politics follow up

Non-paper on the conference on the future of europe outcomes

Who?(European) Council / member states